Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Did you know that many families are eligible for General dental treatment under the CDBS dental scheme.
Up to $1000 can be used for dental treatment for children aged from 2 to 17 years.

Earlwood Dental Services is structured to provide this service bulk billed to eligible families.

Benefits are not payable for:

1. Orthodontic corrections.

2. Cosmetic dentistry

3. Treatments performed in a hospital.


Treatment can be provided by a registered dental health practitioner (Dentist or Oral Health Practitioner).

According to press releases there is still a lack of knowledge of this scheme within our community. Preventive Dentisty WORKS! Save your children from unnecessary dental problems with an appointment today.
When call ing for an appointment PLEASE ADVISE THE STAFF THAT YOUR TREATMENT IS A CDBS APPOINTMENT and a confirmation of your eligibility will be undertaken to save you financial hassles!